Well, come to think of it, just how many movie buffs really care about the Oscars? Does it, honestly, make a difference that, for example, Citizen Kane didn't win Best Picture? Well, no, not really. Most of us realize it's a popularity contest, as political as any other award ceremony (and more, seeing as so many influential people have their hands on the cinematic industry, and always have), and just, generally, a damn silly way to rate greatness.

But, still, every year, in the last Sunday of February, there we all are, watching the whole thing for hours, making predictions months before, and bitching about every envelope that opens. But hey... we don't care, do we?

Of course, there's also the historical perspective to them. Again, sure, they don't really matter (however, tell this to someone that doesn't know much about movies and they'll spit in your eye), but tell that to a history of awarding that looks just as sexy as the acting awards have looked over the years: Ingrid, Katharine, Marlon, Al, Elizabeth, Vivien, Bette, Gary, Jodie... we'll argue that half of those didn't deserve the Oscar in such or such other year, and that while they took the glory others were left behind (Ava, Monty, Gloria, Cary!)... but hell, what's done is done, so it was Grace instead of Judy and you may now stop whining about it. Nobody's big enough to admit that, even if Judy might've been better, she couldn't have looked half as well as Princess Grace did on that red carpet - and that's what, in the end, this whole madness comes to.

The thing is, they're a chance to see all those pretty people we've been talking about for months and say random crap about how they look, interact and behave publicly [you must remain perfect at all times, for I, the almighty viewer, command it!] It's an adorable, big circus orchestrated for our own amusement.

Chances are, the person you're really rooting for isn't even nominated. Chances are he or she didn't even bother to show up. Hell, they probably weren't invited. Agree with the Academy or not, you're there. And truthfully, it doesn't matter, there are still things to count on - because Cate Blanchett will remain looking classy, George Clooney will still look dreamy in a tux...

And yes... Björk still wore a swan to them. Dear God - talk about deglamming...
Wonderfully written. I love the way u balanced personal opinion with fact, this is one of the more inspired posts I've read in a while. The tone is just perfect, ur use of pictures is complementary without being overbearing, and ur writing style shows great promise. Lovely, my dear, lovely.
all hail Bjork!
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